Should a intelligent, free willed robot
a) considered alive or a “appliance”
b) be owned or is it or is it a form of slavery
c) be allowed to marry humans
d) be considered an equal to humans?
-if immortal
e) How would Andrew do on the Turing test before and after falling out the window?
f) Will A.I. be a good thing for humanity or a bad thing? Will it be more like Flatline, or Bicential Man. Why?
I believe that an intelligent free willed robot should be considered alive because it has its own will and it is intelligent. Since it is intelligent it should not just be considered a kitchen appliance. I think that if something is intelligent enough to have its own will, it should be considered alive.
I think the robot should not be owned if it is intelligent and free willed. I think personally that this would be a form of slavery and that it wouldn’t be right. For example, this is just like saying something is human and has rights, but it still can be owned. So if robots were considered humans, then they should have all of the rights humans have.
I believe people should have their own rights and not have restrictions on whom they can and can not marry. If a robot was free willed and intelligent it should be able to marry whomever it pleases, human or robot. I think no one should have control over who you can marry, because that’s like controlling someone’s feeling toward another person.
I don’t think free willed intelligent robots should be considered equal to humans if immortal. This is because humans all die at one point or another, and if your human you can’t live forever, you simply must die. Son if robots were immortal they can’t be considered human because humans die.
I think Andrew would not do very
well on the Turing test. This is because in the movie he couldn’t understand
some basic request such as when Sir says, “The kitchen”, Andrew says yes the
kitchen is over there. This obviously shows he isn’t very intelligent in the
beginning, but after he falls out of the window he understands a whole lot
more, one thing I thought he would never know, feel, or understand is love, but
he does.
I think A.I. will be a positive thing for humanity because they will most likely do what they are programmed to do. If they follow there programming, to me it seems that there should be no problem. In the end I feel that A.I. will be more like Flatline because Andrew was a “special” robot because he began to have feelings and emotions and it seems there were no others like him.